Enter & View: Visits to Grantham Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) & Skegness Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Enter & View: Visits to Grantham Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) & Skegness Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC)

Healthwatch Lincolnshire visited Grantham Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) and Skegness Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC). Read the report for full findings.

Healthwatch, empowered by the Health and Social Care Act 2012, conducts Enter and View visits to health and social care services to gather on-the-ground perspectives from service users. These visits are not inspections but aim to understand users' experiences and whether services effectively meet their needs. Authorised representatives, trained and vetted by Healthwatch, conduct these visits.

For the specific study on diagnostic services in Lincolnshire, prearranged visits were made to
Grantham Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) and Skegness Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC). The visits involved observations of facilities, cleanliness, and accessibility, along with interviews with patients to understand their experiences. The purpose of these visits was to inform Healthwatch's broader project on diagnostic services and provide insights for improving service delivery.

The findings from the visits to Skegness UTC and Grantham CDC highlighted several key points. At Skegness UTC, patients appreciated the convenience of its location and the professionalism of staff but raised concerns about waiting times and signage clarity. Recommendations include reducing wait times, improving signage, and enhancing patient comfort.

Similarly, at Grantham CDC, patients valued the accessibility and cleanliness of the facility but noted issues with signage and communication about appointments. Recommendations for Grantham CDC include enhancing signage, improving communication channels. These recommendations aim to address the identified issues and improve the overall quality of diagnostic services in Lincolnshire.

A download link to the report is below. If you need the report in another format or would like to discuss anything, please email info@healthwatchlincolnshire.co.uk or call 01205 820 892.


File download
Healthwatch Lincolnshire CDC - UTC E&V Report

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