Advice and information

Think ‘Pharmacy First’ for Fast NHS Treatment

NHS 111: Booking your A&E appointment

Do you need help travelling to NHS services?

Getting a second opinion about your care
over 1,300
people directly accessed advice and information through our Information Signposting Officer last year.
How we help you
In addition to ensuring that the voices of service users, patients and the public are heard by decision makers within health and social care services in Lincolnshire, we also provide information and signposting to the public about accessing health and social care services. Please read below for information about how we can help you.
Need help to find services?
You can find help on our website on our Find Services section, you will find links to health and social care service providers in your area.
What our service is…
- We offer a free, friendly, and confidential service that is independent from the NHS and social care services.
- We will perform a signposting role only. This means that we will give you the contact details for a range of services that best supports your request. You will then need to contact those organisations yourself.
- We can give you information about choices you have about where you might get help in relation to your health, social care, and wellbeing needs.
- We can provide you with sources of information on NHS and social care services in Lincolnshire.
- We can give you information about what you can do when things go wrong, and you don’t understand how to make a complaint.
What our service is not…
- Our service is not supported by trained clinicians or health and care professionals. Our service is not supported by trained counsellors. It means that we cannot offer advice on clinical matters or therapeutic support. This might include advice and information about medication, queries about a diagnosis made by a doctor or recommendations about a choice over a particular treatment pathway.
- We are not a part of the NHS or Lincolnshire County Council and therefore have no jurisdiction over their processes or services.
- Whilst we gather and share your feedback to help others improve services, we have no powers to investigate individual formal or informal complaints.
- We are not able to offer financial, legal, or similar specialist advice. This form of advice should always be sought from a trained specialist such as a solicitor, counsellor, or financial advisor.
How to contact us
You can contact us with your query as follows:
By telephone/answerphone: 01205 820892
By email:
By post: Healthwatch Lincolnshire, c/o HWLincs, Rooms 33 – 35, The Len Medlock Centre, St George’s Road, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 8YB
We will always endeavour to do our best in providing you with information and signposting to meet your needs.