Our Campaigns for 2024

Healthwatch Lincolnshire has strategically chosen to prioritise menstrual health, respiratory conditions, neurological conditions, and mental health in its upcoming 12-month focus.
This decision is driven by a commitment to amplify the voices of individuals and communities that are often underrepresented or unheard in healthcare discussions.
By addressing these specific themes, Healthwatch Lincolnshire aims to broaden its engagement across diverse areas and populations, fostering a more inclusive dialogue on health issues. Moreover, this targeted approach aligns with the organisation's overarching goal of addressing health inequalities, allowing them to proactively contribute to a more equitable and comprehensive healthcare landscape in Lincolnshire.
This approach will also allow us to reach diverse population groups as outlined in our Annual Plan, hearing the voices of Health and Social Care Staff, those with physical and/or sensory impairment, young people, Veterans and those impacted by social isolation and digital exclusion
Healthwatch Lincolnshire will focus on the following areas for 2024:
Jan - Mar - Menstrual Health,
Apr - Jun - Respiratory Conditions
Jul - Sept - Neurological Conditions,
Oct - Dec - Mental Health
As part of this work we will be hearing the voices of Health and Social Care Staff, those with physical and/or sensory impairment, young people, Veterans, Carers and those impacted by social isolation and digital exclusion.