HWL Escalation Paper - CCG Governing Board Dec 18
Why is Healthwatch Lincolnshire bringing this to your attention?
HWL believes that it is our role as the independent public voice to continue to raise these concerns. Whilst we appreciate that many, if not all of these issues raised, will not be of a surprise or new, we are mindful that we are not seeing changes in the experiences of patients, carers and service users we talk to in the ‘here and now’. We also acknowledge that whilst in some areas there are plans and strategies coming to fruition, this does not help the number of people we hear from who are currently struggling and for who we do not seem to be able to share any acceptable solutions or pathways.
It is for these reasons we are raising these issues with your organisation. This paper includes questions which we believe are in the interest of the public, and also services and commissioners as they provide a mechanism for dialogue.
1. GP services
GP services are a consistent feature of our reports and in this report we hope to put brief context around the issues. We acknowledge that 55% of the experiences we hear about are related to GP services, of these 55% are related to access to appointments.
2. Sexual Health Service
We have previously experienced a number of calls relating to sexual health services in the county (LISH), these have previously been focussed on general awareness and access to the service.
3. Joined Up Services – DETOC
Read the full report for a patient story relating to DETOC
4. Autism Waits for Assessment
We referred in the last Governing Body report the concerns HWL have relating to the autism referral to assessment and diagnosis for children. We understand and appreciate the response from the Federated Team but still await a formal response from West CCG.
5. Mental Health – Interim
HWL continues to receive on-going concerns related to our mental health services, specifically around access, long waiting times and lack of support from the patient’s perspective at the point of discharge from a CPN.