Your Health, Your Hospitals – Have you had your say yet on Grimsby and Scunthorpe hospital changes?

There are still more than six weeks to go before the public consultation on the proposal from the local NHS to change how some complex hospital services are provided in Grimsby and Scunthorpe hospitals closes.
There is still time for you to ensure that you have your say are by taking the opportunity go along to one of the consultation events that have been organised by the NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) so that you can find out everything you need to know talk to NHS staff and make sure your voice is heard.
The ICB has already hosted three exhibition events and a range of focus groups, visits to organisations and drama workshops since the consultation launched on 25th September. They are now organising more local events to which you are all welcome.
Don’t miss your chance to have your say at one of the events coming up:
- Monday 4 December, noon-3pm at Scunthorpe Central Library, Carlton Street
- Thursday 7 December, noon-3pm in Gainsborough (venue to be confirmed)
- Saturday 9 December, 10am-2pm in St John’s Market, Jubilee Way, Scunthorpe
- If you can’t get along to an event in person you could join the online discussion event, Wednesday 6 December, 6.30 – 8.00pm Sign up here
The team will also be out and about throughout November, meeting local people and promoting the consultation, including:
- Tuesday 21 November (12noon-2pm) – Brigg Garden Centre
- Wednesday 22 November (10am-noon) – Centre4 in Grimsby
- Saturday 25 November (12noon-2pm) – Scunthorpe Christmas Market Event, St John’s Market, Scunthorpe
- Tuesday 28 November (2-4pm) – Asda superstore, Burringham Rd, Scunthorpe
- Wednesday 29 November (11am-1pm) – Louth Library
Please do come along and if you can, please let people know where they can go to have their say.