Launch of new non-emergency patient transport service in Lincolnshire

Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) will be provided by East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EMAS) from Saturday 1 July 2023. NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group awarded a 10-year contract following a successful bid, meaning EMAS will deliver both the control room and transport provision in the county from 1 July 2023.
EMAS has experience of providing NEPTS in the East Midlands as it has delivered the service in Derbyshire since 2016 and in Northamptonshire since 2019.
In the past few months, a lot of activity has taken place across EMAS ahead of the go live date, including the new Lincoln based facility for their staff to operate from, recruitment of new call handlers, organising the transfer of staff from the current provider, and training and onboarding preparations.
To ensure as seamless a transition as possible this summer, they are working closely with the service commissioners, and managers and communications leads at the main hospital sites where they will provide transport to and from.
A new patient information leaflet has also been produced and designed for both the patients and healthcare professionals to help them understand the eligibility criteria and booking process - the leaflet can be found on the EMAS website from 19 June 2023.
The new EMAS NEPTS launches on Saturday, 1 July 2023. To keep in the loop with the new service, follow EMASNHSTrust on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or visit