HWLincs is supporting National Trustees’ Week
HWLincs is supporting National Trustees’ Week as it’s such a great opportunity for us to recognise not just our own trustees but also help to celebrate the achievements of nearly 1 million trustees across the UK.
The theme for Trustees’ Week this year is making a difference in changing times. As our external environment continues to change, we face new challenges. The positive impact people make as a trustee is invaluable to HWLincs and our sector, one that is now as important as ever to benefit society.
“Trustees are essential to HWLincs, not just in terms of ensuring we are legally doing everything right, but as critical friends, providing us with their expertise, advice, guidance, support and even just lending hand” said Sarah Fletcher, CEO of HWLincs. Sarah went on to say “having great trustees involved in our charity has been essential to helping us grow and develop successfully. On behalf of us all, we would like to thank them for the time and commitment they all bring”.
HWLincs is currently in the process of recruiting new trustees. If this is a role that interests you but you don’t know enough about what it involves, we recommend that in the first instance you visit https://trusteesweek.org/ or contact Sarah Fletcher for an informal chat on 07436 582000 or email sarah@hwlincs.co.uk
Throughout Trustees’ Week trustees have the chance to connect with other trustees to share experiences.
Follow @TrusteesWeek on Twitter for updates or visit https://trusteesweek.org/events/ for more information about their events