Ageing Better and Moving Forward Together at YourVoice@Healthwatch
We welcomed more than 80 guests at Friday’s event, which hosted a marketplace for service providers and charities, as well as talks from two guest speakers.
Prof. Derek Ward, Lincolnshire County Council’s Director of Public Health, spoke about the county’s plans to help our people improve their quality of life as they get older. The talk drew highlights from the Ageing Better in Lincolnshire: Adding Life to Years report. From practical advice such as standing on one leg while you brush your teeth to maintain muscle tone and bone density, through to the projected figures the county faces (Lincolnshire’s over 65 population is projected to increase by 41% (74,351) by 2043 and its 85+ population will increase by 94%).
Areas of focus include community support and health services, respect and social inclusion, communication and information, social participation, civic participation and employment, outdoor spaces, transportation and housing. Each of these play a part in ageing well, Prof. Ward explained.
Martin Fahy, Director of Nursing and Quality for the NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), followed with a presentation that explained the aims of the ICB to bring together groups to take collective action and focus on prevention and early intervention, as well as tackle inequalities and equity in healthcare. The plan is outlined in the NHS Lincolnshire Joint Forward Plan 2023-2028.
Fahy said that the plan’s ambition is “for the people of Lincolnshire to have the best possible start in life, and be supported to live, age and die well.” This will be achieved by creating and maintaining a shared agreement with the public that determines what the best wellbeing, care and health looks like for Lincolnshire residents and the ways they can take a new approach to better living.
Both speakers took questions from the audience. The opportunity for people to have their voice heard and engage with decision makers is at the heart of the @YourVoice events. “It’s a good opportunity for residents to get up to date, informative and reliable information from organisations that attend and have a stall in the marketplace, as well as the HWLincs and Healthwatch Lincolnshire team for signposting and advice,” said Oonagh Quinn, Healthwatch Lincolnshire’s Involvement Officer.
Healthwatch Lincolnshire Contract Manager Dean Odell shared the success of the recent menstrual health campaign and took the opportunity to officially launch Healthwatch Lincolnshire respiratory health survey.
HWLincs CEO, Navaz Sutton, closed the speeches with a reminder of the importance of hearing the voices and views of people across the county, and urged partners to support the reach into communities they come into contact with and to promote volunteering opportunities.
The marketplace was attended by a variety of organisations, from health and care providers, including charities. It was also attended by a goat and a therapy dog, courtesy of CURO-Lincs.
Marketplace stallholders:
- Butterfly Hospice Trust
- Carers First
- Connect to Support
- CURO-Lincs
- Every One
- Headway Lincolnshire
- Healthwatch Lincolnshire
- Lincolnshire Community Foundation
- Lincolnshire Co-op
- LPFT Governors and Membership
- LPFT/ How are You? (HAY)
- One You Lincolnshire
- OP Courage
- Positive Health
- SHINE Lincolnshire
- St Barnabas Hospice
- ULHT Carers Partners
The next YourVoice@Healthwatch event is on July 31st and is open to both the public and professionals.
Register your interest at to be first to know the confirmed location and how to book your free ticket.
More photographs from the event can be found here.