This is my mental health story. What’s yours?

My story
Jo lives with a range of mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety and borderline personality disorder.
The symptoms Jo lives with include chronic fatigue, insomnia, night terrors, hypervigilance, flashbacks and social anxiety.
Jo first sought help in 2012. Since then, they have been treated with a combination of medication and talking therapy.
The cost of waiting
Jo has been waiting for trauma treatment for nearly three years.
"I have had no form of support in the interim. But my medication has been increased to the maximum dosage.
"When I've asked about my treatment, I'm always told 'it's not going to be soon' or 'the demand for mental health services is at an all-time high'."
Jo has received no support between treatments, and there was almost no communication from the health services. The wait for treatment has impacted every aspect of Jo's life.
"My general health is dwindling as I no longer go out, I am dependent on daily medication, and my weight puts me in danger now, in contrast to the outgoing person who enjoyed their independence and went to the gym regularly.
"My life is on hold. I need help."
The costs of delayed treatments aren't just financial, but human too.
What would help?
Jo wants decision-makers to dedicate resources toward solutions that improve people's lives waiting for care.
"Change is needed today for all our tomorrows."
What's your story
Do you have a story about mental health support? If yes, we want to hear from you.
Whether positive or negative, please share your experience and help us make NHS decision-makers aware of what needs to change.