ADHD course co-production opportunity – Lincolnshire Recovery College
LPFT staff members including voices from our Neurodiversity Peer Support staff network have highlighted that there is not a lot of information or resources for people living with ADHD, their family members carers or friends, as well as professionals who in their work life might encounter people with ADHD.
The Lincolnshire Recovery College would like to invite you to co-design, co-produce and co-deliver a course highlighting ADHD.
They would like it to be a unique partnership between individuals with lived experience of ADHD, mental health professionals, and the Recovery College ensuring that the content and delivery are relevant, engaging, empowering, and informed by various perspectives on ADHD.
They would aim at creating a transformative learning experience while addressing some of the myths and misconceptions as well as stigma surrounding this neurodevelopmental condition.
Co-production would involve face to face and/or online (MS Teams) meetings, review of documents, information and slides that will eventually become the course core content. You can also get involved with co-delivery of the course by becoming an LPFT volunteer.
If you believe you could share your experience and expertise to shape this course, you can get involved by sending an expression of interest to: putting ADHD co-pro in the subject line.