Just what is life like in Lincolnshire care homes?
Healthwatch Lincolnshire has launched a Life in a Care Home – 100 Voices survey to understand the many facets, complexities and positive outcomes of living in care homes across the county.
The information will provide key insights to local councils and the NHS to help shape care service improvements. It comes at a pivotal time following the high impact of Covid-19 and will help to understand how care home residents and their friends and gamily have been affected. It will also provide guidance to the Healthwatch staff and volunteers visiting some care homes over the next few months.
The Healthwatch team are encouraging the general public to come forward with their own experiences and accounts and to kindly participate in a quick and easy survey. It’s an ideal opportunity to support care service development and change.
All information provided is strictly confidential and anonymised before it is shared with the relevant authorities and personal information is never included in survey reports.
The Life in a Care home -100 Voices survey is being run in conjunction with Healthwatch Peterborough and Cambridgeshire as a collective project to compare services and experiences across the areas.
This latest survey is yet another show of commitment from Healthwatch Lincolnshire to listening to- and sharing the public voice.
Have Your Say
The link below will take you to the quick survey to share your views and experiences:
The survey will only take a few minutes, so if you are able to share your views this will help us provide rich and real time information for the services.