Virtual YourVoice@health Event
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our FIRST Virtual YourVoice@healthwatch on Wed 15 July 2020 10 am to 12 noon. The theme for discussion is access to transport in order that you can attend health and social care appointments. What are your concerns or issues? How can we support the system to improve and what difficulties have you or a member of your family had to overcome in order to attend your appointments (emergency and non emergency patient transport, public transport, community car schemes etc.)
Healthwatch would like to hear from you! If you do not want to take part on the day, but have questions that you want raised, then send them across to me before the event and I will ensure that they are raised on your behalf.
Get in touch to register your interest and I will send you a link to join the debate on the 15 July 2020. Contact me directly either by email on or by phoning on 07346 581 997