Healthwatch Lincolnshire talks about... TASL

Non-emergency patient transport continues to be a concern for many organisations and patients in Lincolnshire.
However, the number of negative experiences Healthwatch Lincolnshire is receiving from patient and carers regarding Thames Ambulance (TASL) who are the current provider of this service, has significantly reduced over the past few months. Due to the ongoing problems with this service and the poor ratings from the CQC inspection, Healthwatch Lincolnshire will continue to provide the CQC, NHS England and Lincolnshire commissioners with all patient experience feedback we are hearing, at the regular TASL risk summit meetings.
“Our staff has recently accompanied Lincolnshire West CCG with some TASL site visits” said Sarah Fletcher, CEO of Healthwatch Lincolnshire “during the visit we were reassured that positive changes to the management of the service are now being put in place, but recognised more improvements were needed with regards to frontline delivery”.
Have Your Say
If you would like share your experiences of using Thames Ambulance (TASL) please get in touch with us.
01205 820892