#HWL19 - Our annual report 2018/19

Our vital role as Watchdog, Signposter, and Influencer continues to be recognised and we are fully engaged across Lincolnshire in trying to improve the public’s experience of the wide range of health and social care services.
Here our some of our Highlights from the Year:

In Autumn of 2018 we invited Lincolnshire people to tell us which services are important to them. 561 people voted and the results determined our project activities for 2019 – 2021.
Organised 4 yourvoice@HWL events with 210 people in attendance (mix of general public and stakeholders).
Identified 61 areas of impact we have made. These include help for individual people e.g. for them to access non-emergency transport, along with how and where Healthwatch Lincolnshire has helped to influence changes to our healthcare services.
We have raised 638 questions, suggestions and recommendations through our report to healthcare providers and commissioners.
The experiences of 3,197 people’s experiences were used in our reports.
If you need this report in a different format, please email info@healthwatchlincolnshire.co.ukor call 01205 820892.
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