People's Service User Experiences - Jan 2019 | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

People's Service User Experiences - Jan 2019

This report created by Healthwatch Lincolnshire provides a monthly summary report for all patient, carer and service user experiences received during January 2019 where 204 experiences have been shared.

This report is for information only. Individual responses are included in this report. 

This report created by Healthwatch Lincolnshire provides a monthly summary report for all patient, carer and service user experiences received during january 2019 

The experiences reported are those of the patients and not of Healthwatch, and therefore we cannot be held responsible for the context or factual accuracy, but do present them as the patient voice in confidence.  

Where questions have been raised with service providers we have included provider responses in this report, where received.  Healthwatch has a legal requirement to ask for responses within a 20 working day period.  Using our statutory powers Healthwatch Lincolnshire request responses from providers within 20 working days.


If you need this report in a different format, please email or call  01205 820 892.

File download
Healthwatch Lincolnshire Report of Patient, Carer, Service User Experiences - Jan 19

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