NHS Immunisation and Screening in Lincolnshire | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

NHS Immunisation and Screening in Lincolnshire

This report provides important evidence of the experiences of Lincolnshire people when receiving NHS immunisations and screenings.
The work involved included gathering information from 785 people across Lincolnshire during the period Sep to Dec 2016

Their experiences have enabled us to highlight that:

  • 1 in 4 families who choose not to immunise their child(ren) are doing this because of concerns about safety.
  • 42% of responding individuals told us they had not been invited to attend pneumococcal immunisation (who felt they met eligibility criteria).
  • In Lincolnshire there are potentially 14,000 women choosing not to attend cervical screening (within the eligible criteria age range).
  • Where a woman misses her cervical screening appointment, our data told us they were 3 times more likely not to reschedule the appointment.
  • 23% of eligible adults told us they have not been offered bowel screening.
  • 13.7% of 50+ aged women told us they are not being offered breast screening.
  • A staggering 59% of male respondents told us they have not been offered AAA screening (who felt they were eligible within the criteria).
  • 43% of respondents (potentially 146,000 eligible adults) told us they are not being offered NHS Health Checks


Read the full report by clicking below 

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