New Mablethorpe dental practice is open.
New Mablethorpe dental practice is open.
Winsover Dental Care is operating from within the same premises at Marisco Medical Practice.
Appointments are now being offered to those who have expressed an interest via the telephone number or website listed below, and will be based on clinical need and priority, with children and those who need urgent care seen first.
Sarah-Jane Mills, Director for Primary Care, Communities and Social Value at NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) said: "We are pleased that we have been able to bring routine dental services to Mablethorpe at a time when NHS dentistry is facing so many challenges.”
Jimmey Palahey, Clinical Director of Winsover Dental Care, added: "We are looking forward to providing high quality NHS dental care in Mablethorpe and serving the community into the future. Please be patient whilst our team works through the expressions of interest.”
Anyone seeking an NHS dentist can express an interest in accessing dental services via the website or by telephone on 01507 225 226 (Monday-Friday 8am-6.30pm).
We politely ask that you do not attend the practice in person unless you are attending an appointment.