Have Your Say - NHS Priorities for the next Five Years webinar

To help the NHS in Lincolnshire prepare a 5 Year Forward Plan, Healthwatch Lincolnshire wants to hear from the most important people in all of this, you the patient, service user or family carer. We need you to tell us what you want our local NHS to focus on as they develop our services. The NHS will of course have to deliver against national priorities, but in Lincolnshire the focus must be the development of local services that work for local people.
Healthwatch Lincolnshire is offering people different ways in which they can share their views, one way is to join us live online on 20th February at our Have Your Say - NHS Priorities for the next Five Years webinar. During the webinar you will hear from the NHS and most importantly get a chance to ‘have your own say’.
We are inviting you to join one of the two online live webinar sessions running on 20 February 2023 as highlighted below:
- Session One starts at 2pm – to register a place please visit Have Your Say - NHS priorities for the next five years | Healthwatch Lincolnshire or email us at info@healthwatchlincolnshire.co.uk
- Session Two starts at 6pm – to register a place please visit Have Your Say - NHS priorities for the next five years | Healthwatch Lincolnshire or email us at info@healthwatchlincolnshire.co.uk
Alternatively, you can share your thoughts by completing a survey Access the Survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NHSLincs5YearPlan; emailing us at info@healthwatchlincolnshire.co.uk or telephoning us on 01205 820892
Further information
The Health and Care Act 2022 requires NHS Integrated Care Boards (ICB, the organisations which plan and commission health services) and their partner trusts (the organisations which deliver health services) to prepare a ‘Joint Forward Plan’ (JFP) by April of each year. This year, as it's the first time it’s been developed, they have until the end of June 2023.
In Lincolnshire it will be called The Lincolnshire NHS Strategy and will describe how these organisations intend to provide NHS services to meet the needs of Lincolnshire population physical and mental health needs.
More details on the guidance we must work to can be found here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/joint-forward-plan/