Community Wellbeing - Top Tips and Infographic - YourVoice@Healthwatch | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Community Wellbeing - Top Tips and Infographic - YourVoice@Healthwatch

Community Wellbeing - Top Tips and Infographic - YourVoice@Healthwatch

At our recent public Event, YourVoice@healthwatch held in November 2021, all attendees were invited to share some of the things that they do to look after themselves.  Some of these things you can do on a daily or weekly basis or even ad hoc!  The main thing is to have fun, enjoy and look after yourself.  

Download your FREE Tops Tips for Wellbeing Checklist below

We also asked attendees how they would currently rate their quality of life and What areas do they feel the community could improve, the results of these polls can be found in the infographic below.


Download your FREE Tops Tips for Wellbeing Checklist 

This list was complied from attendees at our last YourVoice@Healthwatch Event.

Our next YourVoice will focus on Dental services, share your questions and experiences with us through 

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Healthwatch Top Tips for Wellbeing
Healthwatch Poll Infographic