Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate (DNACPR) during COVID-19 Survey | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate (DNACPR) during COVID-19 Survey

Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate (DNACPR) during COVID-19 Survey

HWLincs is again supporting the Care Quality Commission (CQC) with a survey for people who have had or known someone who had a Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate (DNACPR) order put in place or reviewed during the COVID-19 pandemic, between March 2020 and now (more information on DNACPR / the CQC review). 

We have a link to a short survey carried out on behalf of CQC to understand people’s experiences, or those of their family, friends and carers.  This will feed into the current CQC review of care in January.

The survey is completely anonymous and asks for no personal details other than a person’s local town. The survey is also short and is mainly tick box responses, however there is opportunity for people to share their story in more detail if they wish.

The timescales are short and we need to make sure we capture as many experiences as possible by the 14th January.

We hope you will be able share this survey so we make sure we get people’s experiences heard on what is for so many, a very sensitive and critical subject.

The link for the survey is shared here, if you need to discuss getting it in an alternative format please don’t hesitate to contact me.

If you want to share the link on Facebook you can find it here :

For more information on DNACPR please follow the link here

For more information on the CQC review please follow the link here

The Department of Health and Social Care has asked the Care Quality Commission to review how Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions were used during the coronavirus pandemic, building on concerns that CQC reported earlier in the year.