Patient experience of Hospital Discharge
Healthwatch Lincolnshire took part in a joint national survey with Healthwatch England and the British Red Cross to understand people’s experiences of hospital discharge. We feedback what Lincolnshire people had to say.
- 60% (28) of people said they were not given information explain the process of leaving hospital had changed due to COVID-19.
55% (26) were not given information about who to contact if they needed further health advice or support after leaving hospital
79% (37) people felt prepared to leave hospital
6 out of 13 carers said they were not sufficiently involved and informed in decision making around discharge
7 (15%) discharges occurred during the night (between 8pm and 8am) – 4 from Lincoln County Hospital, 1 Peterborough Hospital, 1 Grimsby hospital and 1 unknown
- Ensure no one is discharged at night unless transport can be arranged: Patients who require transport should not be discharged at night unless transport home can be arranged. When discharging patients, checklists should be used to support conversations with patients and family/carers to ensure they have the immediate support they need.
- Recognise the voluntary and community sector: The voluntary sector should be embedded into hospital discharge processes.
- Involving carers and family: While visitation restrictions continue, special arrangements need to be put in place to ensure that families and carers can participate in patient decision-making during and after the discharge process, particularly for those with disabilities or additional needs. E.g. asking patients for a named carer at time of admission and ensuring they are contacted at every stage of decision-making.
- Provide everyone leaving hospital a follow-up contact: ensure patients are assigned to a single point of contact for further support, in line with the national guidance.
- Ensure follow up visits and assessments happen: Local and national efforts must be made to ensure everyone who may need a recovery plan is assessed after discharge.
This supports what people told Healthwatch England in their national report with the British Red Cross - 590 people's stories of leaving hospital during COVID-19.