COVID-19 How are we coping - Survey Findings WEEK 2 13th to 19th April 2020 | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

COVID-19 How are we coping - Survey Findings WEEK 2 13th to 19th April 2020

This is a summary report of week 2 of our COVID-19 barometer survey

This is a summary report of week 2 of our COVID-19 barometer survey

COVID-19 How are we coping - Survey Findings WEEK 1 6th to 12th April 2020

Report – 7 May 2020

This is a summary report of week 2 of our COVID-19 barometer survey

The 13 week campaign tracks how people are feeling week on week during the COVID-19 pandemic, the campaign will identify if there are any changes to peoples behaviours and concerns and share this with providers and commissioners so that local people get a voice. 

If you want to get involved you can by simply follow this link to take part:

Social Care Experiences 

Are you in residential care, receiving care at home, know someone who is, or a care worker, we want to hear from you.  You can share your experiences by completing this survey anonymously.

Take part here


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COVID-19 Report - WEEK 2 13th to 19th April 2020