Healthwatch Lincolnshire Forward Vision Event 2023 | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Healthwatch Lincolnshire Forward Vision Event

31st October 2023 - Bishops Grosseteste University, Longdales Rd, Lincoln LN1 3DY

10 am to 3 pm  

Healthwatch Lincolnshire is pleased to announce that our Forward Vision Event is being held on 31st October 2023 in Lincoln. 

Following a short presentation of the Healthwatch Lincolnshire annual report and plans for the next year, we will again be bringing together Lincolnshire’s Health and Social Care leaders to discuss their challenges but also the opportunity to share the positive work that is being done throughout our county, how the people of Lincolnshire can help drive positive change and an opportunity for the public to ask questions. 

The panel will include:

John Turner - Chief Executive, NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board

Glen Garrod - Executive Director for Adult Care and Community Wellbeing, Lincolnshire County Council

Andrew Morgan - Chief Executive, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) and Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS)

Sarah Connery - Chief Executive, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT)

Back in 2018 Healthwatch Lincolnshire hosted the 2020 Vision event encouraging the public to come and meet, listen, debate, and question senior county NHS Leaders, to increase awareness of the healthcare challenges and most importantly changes they were facing by 2020. Fast forward to 2023 and many challenges remain but additionally, the landscape of health and social care has changed, for instance, in 2022 the Integrated Care System was established. 

This event will be held in the lecture theatre at Bishop Grosseteste University, with an additional room for stallholders where the public can find helpful information and advice.   There will be opportunities to network and meet key service providers in addition to hearing the latest information from the Panel of Experts.

NOTE: Drinks and a light lunch/buffet will be provided

Event timings  

10am – Registration – Tea & Coffee available  

10.30 – 10.45 Welcome - Short presentation of Healthwatch Annual Report and future plans  

10.50 – 12.30 Panel discussion Q&A with Lincolnshire Integrated Care System Leads  

12.30 – 3pm Marketplace in the side seminar room for the public to access information and advice.  

SIGN UP - Complete the form below to register - if you would like a stall on the day you will need to let us know in advance and email 

By registering for this event you understand that we will contact you by email to provide you updates on the event.

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