Visiting Services also known as Enter and View
During a visit we talk to service users, their families and carers, as well as staff to enable us to understand how people experience these services. However Enter and View is not an inspection and our team trained and experts in what they do but are not inspectors like the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
How do we select where to visit and when:
Are visits are based around the work we do and our priorities. The aim of a visit is to compliment the way we gather service user feedback. We can sometime be reactive if we are asked to take part as an independent organisation in a visit by the clinical commissioning group to ensure that they hear the voice of the patient and family. We also carry out concurrent (at the same time as) visits with CQC, this is once again to use our independence to gather the patient voice and make sure it is considered when CQC inspect a service.
If you want to know more about our Enter and View programme, please contact Nicola Clarke, 01205 820892 or
Meet the Healthwatch representatives authorised to carry out visits.
Active Authorised Representatives for 2018/19
Helen Nicolls Maureen Cassidy Philip Azevedo
Maureen Stevens Michael Cassidy Clive Green
Keith Spurr Barbara Dempster David Gaskell
Eileen Keeling Christina Leggett Maria Prior
Nigel Fear