GP Surgeries - Still here, still safe, and still open | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

GP Surgeries - Still here, still safe, and still open

Health bosses in Lincolnshire are reminding patients that GP surgeries across the county are all still open, and have been right through the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Health bosses in Lincolnshire are reminding patients that GP surgeries across the county are all still open, and have been right through the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in order to keep both surgery staff and patients safe, surgeries have changed the way patients access services, with the majority dealing with 80-90% of patient queries via telephone and online consultations.

Dr Kieran Sharrock, a Lincolnshire GP and medical director of the Local Medical Committee said he wanted to make it clear that all GP surgeries are open; they are just delivering services differently.

Dr Sharrock said:

“The majority of our GP surgeries now have online e-consultation systems in place and we would ask all patients to use these systems as much as possible. For patients who do not have access to the internet, they can call their surgery as normal, but please bear with us as we are extremely busy at this time and calls may take longer than usual to answer.”

He added:

“If we think that you need to be seen then we will arrange for an appropriate appointment or perform a video consultation. If we ask you to come to the surgery for a face to face consultation, to reduce risk of virus transmission,  please arrive at you appointment time and not before, wear a face covering, and maintain social distancing in the surgery.”

Sarah-Jane Mills, chief operating officer at NHS Lincolnshire CCG said GP surgeries have and will continue to adapt to the ever changing circumstances to ensure that patients can access the services and treatment they need.

Ms Mills said:

“We want to thank our GP surgeries for their commitment and dedication, and also the people of Lincolnshire for adapting so quickly to changes that have been introduced.”

She added:

“Patients are advised to contact their GP surgery directly who will be able to advise them on how best to get the support they need at any point in time.”

Patients are also being reminded to “Talk before they walk” and to make use of NHS111 and NHS111 online, so they can access the most appropriate service.

If you have symptoms which may be of Covid-19; a new persistent cough, loss or change in sense of smell or taste, an unexplained fever, you should contact the NHS 111 Covid-19 Clinical Assessment Service by calling 111 or 119 or go online to NHS111 online.

If you are told that you are likely to have Covid-19 then please self-isolate at home for seven days, and ensure that your household contacts also self-isolate for fourteen days. If your symptoms worsen in this time please contact NHS 111 for further support and advice.

If you have any feedback about access to your GP surgery you can contact Healthwatch Lincolnshire on 01205 820892 or email