Lincolnshire Community Foundation to launch Lincolnshire Covid-19 Crisis Fund | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire Community Foundation to launch Lincolnshire Covid-19 Crisis Fund

Lincolnshire Community Foundation to launch Lincolnshire Covid-19 Crisis Fund

From the Lincolnshire Community Foundation

We are all deeply concerned about the people in all of our communities at this time, particularly those who are vulnerable and isolated. Naturally we have anxieties around how they are going to cope with the consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Covid-19 presents a significant increase to the challenges communities in Lincolnshire face and are already dealing with. This, against the backdrop of relentless and increasing strain on our voluntary and community sector, means that there will be a greater call on our Community Foundation to support people and places in the coming months.

We anticipate those most likely to be affected by social isolation and serious illness are older people who either get the disease or self-isolate out of fear. At the same time, we resolutely stand by the people helping support others, doing the necessary small things that mean so much in a time of crisis.

Initially, we are focusing on the elderly and vulnerable; but will remain vigilant and flexible as this unprecedented situation develops. Dependent upon on the success of the fund we would like to offer between £500 and £3,000 of emergency funding to community organisations and groups working with older people (aged 50 and over) to help them to deliver support around emerging issues relating to the virus.

Lincolnshire Community Foundation is a part of a network of Community Foundations across the UK. 

We are in a unique position to support the local efforts that will see us all through this crisis.

We have supported hundreds of small groups, many of whom work with the most vulnerable and isolated people in our communities.

We are able to quickly and diligently get money and resource to those groups who best understand the fast-changing local need. 

We are creating a Lincolnshire Covid-19 Crisis Fund to help address this crisis.

The fund will have three priorities:

•           To offer support for the most vulnerable people in our communities: offering practical aid to groups such as Good Neighbour Schemes, Food Banks, Community Hubs and equipping the members of our communities to continue to assist one another.

•           To help local community organisations prepare themselves to appropriately respond and continue their work In a difficult work environment, and to tailor their specialist services to give help to the people who need it most.

•           To develop advice and support Initiatives to fill gaps for people and places where there are no current suitable services.

We are aiming for a speedy and responsive turnaround with successful groups receiving funding within a week of applying to us.

We’re in the process of preparing guidance for community organisations detailing how to change systems and patterns of working, how to cope with staff self-isolating, home-working, and how to reconfigure existing services to address the present crisis.

No-one in Lincolnshire is better placed to help small groups and organisations than our Community Foundation. We have the connections, systems and expertise to do this quickly and support local action that is already happening, as people look out for their neighbours.

We can move fast. Can you help? We’d love to have as many people and organisations contribute to this fund appeal. If you would like us to, we would be happy to acknowledge you by name / brand on the Lincolnshire Covid-19 page and we will provide you with regular updates on how the fund is being deployed.

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